Saturday, December 4, 2010


I have discovered my kids have figured out little tricks, either to get away with something, because it's a new skill or it's just plain fun.
This week each of my children learned new tricks.

Ava's new tick is standing in her bed!

Addie's new trick is piling food on top of food you don't want to eat to make the non-eating food disappear(so she thinks).

Tate's new trick is learning to wrestle FOR REAL!
And now everything he can lift that is heavy is because he is a wrestler...:)  And he spent all of Saturday in his singlet as he played cars, blocks, legos and he even napped in it! (pictures to be coming soon!)

Isabelle's new trick is a Kart wheel and back handspring with support on back handspring!  She started tumbling and love, love, loves it! She has been working on her kart wheel since we started tumbling and finally can do it landing both feet on the ground:) 

So we had a successful week here learning new tricks, we hope your week was just as eventful and fun! 

Sunday, November 28, 2010


We have many things to be thankful for this year but our biggest thing we are thankful for is these little Indians!!!  They bring us our greatest joy and love all year round!  Although we have had a rough fall with minor sicknesses we are thankful for our health, family and friends! 
While we didn't all get to go to all the thanksgivings we had to pass time doing some crafts!!  So we made Native American vests and headbands....I think Tate had me draw something on his vest that I never thought I would draw!  He had me draw a dead deer with blood....Yep it must be a boy thing!  As the girls had me help them draw sun's, trees and rainbows....a little more my style:) 
It has been nice having 5 days to catch rest when we could, and enjoying our family with laughter and love.  We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday like we did!  Now it's Christmas Cheer that's in the air and we are ready to celebrate some more!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Princess Party

 Princess Party for Issy

On Saturday we had a princess party for Issy with all of her best friends!  Each girl had to come in a princess or fancy dress to the party!

Challenge 1- Paying attention to details. We played PIN THE CROWN ON THE PRINCESS (a.k.a. Pin the tail on the Donkey) the Princess whose crown is the closest to the correct spot is the winner.

*And PRINCESS BELLE'S TEA SET RELAY using two small children's tea sets, two teams race each other to set the tea tray at the finish line relay style. Each princess takes a piece of the tea set to the tray and comes back to "tag" the next girl to take a piece. The first team with a complete set wins.

When the challenge was complete, the Princess got a clue where to look to find the first hidden gemstone, the Ruby (character trait protection). At this point the girls looked around and found the gemstone. I had given each girl a drawstring pouch to carry and collect her gemstones.

Materials needed for challenge 1:
Crown, princess picture, tea sets (2)
Gemstones RED
Clue envelope: Be my guest be my guest put your brains to the test in the kitchen is where you'll find the ruby protection at it's best.   Don't look high, b/c its low be on your way now GO!

Challenge 2

- Quick thinking and a good memory. We played PRINCESS JASMINE'S NOW YOU HAVE IT, NOW YOU DON'T -This game is played by passing out princess cards to each player. There are three wrapped gifts in the center of the circle. When a princess card is called, any player having the matching princess card picks a present. The first player picks from the center (were up to  six presents are grouped). The second player may choose a present from the center or from the first player. Play continues until all the players are out of cards. The three players left holding packages gets to keep them.

 And MAGICAL MUSICAL CARPETS, this is played like musical chairs, but played with carpet squares. The last player with a carpet is the winner.
 When the challenge was completed the Princess got a clue where to look to find the second hidden gemstone, the Sapphire (character trait  wisdom).
Materials needed:
8 wrapped packages of target $ section princess items
Music (princess) and carpet squares (borrow from sherry)
Gemstones (blue)
 Clue 2: Wisdom, wisdom is what you'll get!  Find your wisdom in a place you could get wet....

Challenge 3 to see the unseen.

We played PRINCESS SNOW WHITE'S PASS THE MAGIC GEMSTONE- the girls stand in a circle with cupped hands, one princess secretly passes the gemstone to another princess. Then she returns to her place in the circle, the princess to her left tries to guess who has the gemstone. If she guesses correctly, she takes a turn to pass the gemstone. If the guess is incorrect, the princess who was guessed tries to guess who is holding the gemstone.

 And PRINCESS ARIEL SAYS (a.k.a. Simon says). The last player remaining is the winner. When this challenge was complete the Princess's got a clue where to look to locate the third hidden gemstone, the Amethyst (character trait love and healing).

Materials needed:
*Simon says cards
*clue envelope
*gemstones pink
        Clue 3: Love is true, love is kind, love is in a heart shaped find.  Up you'll go down it's not Issy's room is Hot Hot Hot!

challenge 4 to open your mind. We played PRINCESS CINDERELLA'S WHERE ARE THE SLIPPERS In this game, the princesses pass a wrapped package to music, when the music stops, the Princess holding the package gets to unwrap a layer of the wrapping. The Princess finding the slippers (in two different layers) receive prizes.

And CINDERELLA'S FREEZE DANCE using Disney princess music, the music was played and the girls danced around when the music stops they must freeze in their best princess pose. When this challenge was complete the Princess's got a clue where to look to locate the fourth hidden gemstone, the Emerald (character trait faith and hope).

Materials Needed:
*two medium and small boxes
*Clue envelope
*gemstone green
 Clue 4: Cinderella she could not be late, to the prince she left her hope and faith.  Find a room where a Prince my play an you may find your hope  for today.

challenge 5 to overcome fear.

We played PRINCESS AURORA'S Quest of a True Princess, each little girl had to walk like a princess with a book on her head down the princess walk way, and then curtsy.  Once they all completed the quest the Princess's got the final clue. This clue revealed the location of the hidden favor purses. The treat boxes contained a necklace, earrings, a lip stick
, a kit to make candy necklaces, Disney Princess stickers (Belle, Snow White, Aurora, Ariel, Cinderella) from the roll used on the invitations, and a ring pop. The girls got to keep the plastic gem stones
(found at the dollar store) and the favor boxes.

 Clue 5: Purses, rings, stickers too find your gifts in a royal room.
Materials needed:

*party favor bags/purses?
*ring pops
*lip stick

Make crowns to become a real princess

Presents/cake ice cream!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Prayers Answered

Today God answered a prayer that I had been asking for many months!  Today we got a call from the University of Iowa Hospital Specialty Clinic saying that the top Kindney specialist would like to see Isabelle and help figure out why she has so many Urinary Tract Infections.  This doctor does not take new patients anymore, he has just been anounced the head of the childrens medical center at the Univeristy Hospital....we are so blessed! 
When you have a child and bring them into the world you only want the perfect life for them. Knowing that there is no perfect life you want to give them the best.  When life is not perfect for them and you see them struggle and you feel like you are doing all you can do for them, your heart starts to break and as a parent you get scared.  Seven years ago this Sunday I brought this beatuiful little girl into the world, I was so scared but I knew we loved her more than anything!  This beautiful girl deserves the world and I will make sure she get's it....but I am glad God is helping me do that and he has special angels that help us on our way. 
Please pray on December 22 Isabelle will under go many test, labs and ultra sounds...we are looking for answers so she can feel better.  May God give her courage and strength to be calm and not scared! 
God is good and prayers are truly powerful!  All things good come to people who wait.+

Sunday, November 14, 2010



Simple Saturday

It was a very simple weekend here, with losts of rest getting ready for the big week of conferences.  The kids enjoyed playing house, painting pictures, playing with play dough, watching cartoons, and for Ava chewing on her dolly:)
Although we would have liked to have a Cyclone WIN...we had a nice famly weekend.  Here are some of my favorite things the kids said this weekend.

Me and Tate at Target:  I really need to shave my legs when we get home....Tate, " Why mommy b/c your legs are so skinny?"  I love him!

Isabelle talking to me from the back seat in the car as I am driving, "Mommy what language do I speak?  Is it English or do I speak something else?"  Me, "Yes, Issy you speak English!"  Issy, "Are you sure it's not called something else?"  You just have to laugh!

Addie at the dinner table, " Dis is my big sista, dis is my big bruda, dis is my widdle sista!"
Paul," Who is this? pointing to me..."  Addie says,
"That my BIIIIGGG MAMA!":)

I am so glad to have little ones in our house, b/c without them there wouldn't be enough laughter, smiles and hugs that fill our days!  So I thank you Isabelle, Tate, Addilyn and Ava for giving us joy and laughter when we need it most,  I love you.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Crazy Day

Today was a very CRAZY DAY!!!!  I would say it started off crazy and it just got crazier....if that's a word?? 
To start off the crazy day I woke up about 20 minutes later than I planned and with 4 kids that is really late! 
I got all the kids dressed and Fed for school, lunches packed and out the door I went without breakfast!  When I reached school I noticed that I took the carrier with me and that Paul would need that to take Ava to daycare but there was no time to turn around. 
         Before I left the house I told Paul please take formula to Shirley today b/c Ava doesn't have enough to make it through the day at daycare....well b/c I forgot to leave the carrier he was in panic mode to figure out what to do he forgot to leave formula at Shirley's....!
So I got a call at 9:00 for daycare saying, "Um it's not a emergency but Ava doesn't have formula...."  PANIC MODE FOR MOMMY!!!  I took my lunch break ran home got formula, ran to daycare and dropped off formula, rushed back to school just in time to meet my class coming back from recess.  Then I was planning to eat my lunch on my planning break for specials, but the guidance teacher was gone and the sub didn't show so I was without a break all day!!! UGH!  And with 23, 5 year olds at your feet all day you need that break to breathe! 
I made it through the school day and then the clinic called saying that Isabelle need to give another urine sample b/c they thought the one she gave got contaminated in the lab, so I run after school get the kids run back to the clinic so Isabelle could do her thing!   AND Isabelle totally missed the hat you pee in and it went in the toilet....NO SAMPLE!!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!!!  It's really just humorous!  So they give us the stuff to take home and bring back when she goes again!  So I load all 4 kids back in the vehicle, run to target for more formula:)  And we get home and what does Issy do....GO TO THE BATHROOM!  Everyone back in the vehicle run back to the clinic and give the sample!!!  WE walk in the clinic and the ladies behind the desk are just laughing b/c we have been there enough the way it is in the last week!  So to end the night we get home and 4 kids need a bath, Tate needs to get out the door with a friend to go to the ISU wrestling meet, I need to make supper and possibly make some lesson plans:)

We are bathed, Fed, and relaxing in pajamas...I think lesson plans will wait another day b/c this CRAZY MAMA needs a break:) 

Good Night

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Little Pleasures

What pleased our little hearts today....

Isabelle- Getting new desk seats at school!!! VERY EXCITING!

Tate- 1. Crazy sock day 2. Got to read a new book at school

Addilyn- 1. pogo stick at, 2. Playin Trucks!

Ava- Playing and eating

Paul-Seeing the kids this morning and getting them off to school

Shanna- Report cards finished....sigh, and being home with my kids tonight!

It doesn't take much around here to keep us happy!  Love XXOO

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Wendy's Night

So we went to Wendy's Night to support East Elementary, but what I learned tonight is a lot about my children!

1.  Tate is a Social bug with the LADIES!!!!
2. Isabelle is very shy but sweet with her friends!
3. Addie just wanted to fit in so would be silly to get
    attention from her brother and sister's friends.
4. That my children's friends are good friends made and made me realize why I am so glad we belong to EAST ELEMENTARY!
5. That they get excited about the little things like Wendy's Night....and that is okay with me!
6. That they get excited to show me their "world of school" b/c I don't get to be apart of it like other stay at home moms!
7.  Tate was more worried about seeing what Olivia K. was doing than eating his chicken nuggets...look out Olivia K:)
8.  Ava has come to the age of needing to see her brother and sisters to make her happy!
9. It's about watching your children smile and interact with their friends and seeing how much they have grown in social skills since they were little babes.

AND NUMBER 10...not about the kids specifically...
10.  Even though I am not Kate Plus Eight, people still stare at me like I am Kate Plus Eight when I go out by myself with 4 children under the age of 6!:) It's quite funny...I am not crazy...okay only some days!lol!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The dentist and more

So we all went to the dentist last week to get our teeth cleaned!  This was Addilyn's first time getting her teeth cleaned, she opened wide so well for the dentist and hygentist.  They told her that when they cleaned her teeth they would tickle them first, so everytime the hygenist touched her mouth Addie would giggle out loud it was quite funny! 
But my favorite part was when they told her they were going to polish her teeth just like you polish nails!  They told her they would sparkle!!!  So here is a picture of Addilyn with her teeth sparkling....she did this for the rest of the night when anyone would say hi to her!!!  

When they finished cleaning her teeth she told them, " I need a mirra!!!" the dentist said, "What do you need?"  Addie said, "I need a mirra, my teeth sparkle!"  Yes, that's right she needed a mirror to see her teeth sparkle!!!  Kids are the best!

Tate's School Work

This is what Tate brought home from school the other day....
Good work right??!!!  Take a look at the next photo
Apparenly the inside of a pumpkin feels like Mushy Pig Poop!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The secret haircut

Conversation with Tate after school today,

Tate: "Mom no one noticed my haircut today!"
Me: "Oh I bet someone said nice haircut?"
Tate: "Nope you must have done a secret haircut!"

Conversation half hour later

Me: "Where did all the wipes go?"
Issy: " Um Tate used them all up this morning!"
Me: "Why would Tate be using the wipes?"
Issy:" Because he wanted his hair wet for school...."

It must have been some haircut!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Mommy loves Mondays

Monday's can be kinda crazy at our house sometimes I sing the song "Just another Manic Monday ohoh..."  in my head b/c of the craziness that is!  But today I was reminded why I love Monday's so....#1. Tate was so excited to see me after school b/c he learned a new trick as you can see in the video!  #2.  Because we started a new job helper tonight and Issy was so proud to be the dish helper! 
Without my kids I wouldn't have the best craziness there is in the world, so I love Mondays as Crazy as they are....where would I be without my Mondays? 

A little info about the the background you can hear Addie yelling from the bathroom, Issy is hiding behind Tate trying to sneak in the video which she does real nicely at the end and little Ava is sitting in her high chair ready to be cleaned up from supper...CRAZY!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday Sillys

Sunday Sillys

#1. Tate, " Mom when I get older and have a baby I am going to name him Tre!"  Paul says, "Tate you know when you get older to have a baby you have to marry a girl..." Tate says, "HUH!!!! YUCK!"  He doesn't quite get it!:)

#2.  Watching Scooby Doo Mystery...Addie comes to me crying and says, "Mommy Dooby Dooby doooo gone..."

#3.  Ava had a few dirty diapers today...more than the usual and Tate says, "Maybe you shouldn't feed her any more today then we won't have to smell that!"  YA I give that a try Tate....:)

#4 Every night when I am tucking in the kids, I say to them, " I love you, be snug as a bug in a rug and don't let the bed bugs bite."  And they say it back to's our little night saying...but the best is when Addie say's it back, " wuv you too, nug bug rug don't bed bite bite!"  LOVE IT!

Lot's of Love today!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Simple Saturday Smoothies

On Saturday mornings we like to have a simple breakfast but a yummy one too!!!  So we have Smoothies and they are so good!

Fruit Smoothie
1. One yogurt
2. fresh fruit or frozen Yoplait yogurt fruit
3. 1/2 cup of V-8 berry blend juice


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Growing up to fast

                                           Look Who's Sitting up!!!

I have come to realize that my babies are growing up to fast and as much as I would like to stop life right now and freeze them at the ages they are I can't! 
Today Ava started to situp without falling over which means we will have a crawler by Christmas!  She is my last baby so I have caught myself savoring every minute and moment of her, I am trying to capture her smile, giggles and babbles like it's a time capsule that I will have and treasure forever. 

Addilyn has just turned 3 and has been able to reason with you much could say I am glad she has moved out of the terrible two's!  If there is one thing I could take from Addilyn everyday and apply it to my own it would be her love for life.  She is probably the most happy go lucky little girls I know and she is full of laughter and love.  There is never a dull moment with Addilyn and I can't wait to see her bloom into a young lady. Tater tot!  He is going to start wrestling and he is in seems like yesterday he was my cuddle bug snuggling on my lap with his blanky and pacie.  Tate melts my heart I have a BIG soft spot for Tater!  He has really grown up this year with going to Kindergarten, he is always wanting to help me and his sisters, but yet has really come into being rough and tough!  He has been fun to watch bloom b/c he has come out of his big sister's shadow and has really shown his personality! 

Issy, oh my beautiful Isabelle....if I could freeze her innocents, love and kindness and keep her this way forever I would!  She is the most soft hearted loving little girl.  She is a worry wart who cares about everyone (she gets it from her Grammy Jo), and she is turning 7!!!!!  I can't believe almost 7 years ago Issy was born...time goes to fast!  I have realized that next year she will be a 2nd grader and that is just to old!!!! 

So with all this realization that my children are fastly changing, growing and becoming more of their own, I am going to live in the present as much as I ever have before.  Because tomorrow is not a promise, today was a blessing and yesterday is gone.

Love to all+

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

New to blogging

Well it's only taken me two day's to figure out how to make this blog site so you know it can only get easier from here!:)....RIGHT?
I am excited to start blogging and sharing our excitements, blessing and funnies with you!  I hope you will enjoy them too!