Monday, November 22, 2010

Princess Party

 Princess Party for Issy

On Saturday we had a princess party for Issy with all of her best friends!  Each girl had to come in a princess or fancy dress to the party!

Challenge 1- Paying attention to details. We played PIN THE CROWN ON THE PRINCESS (a.k.a. Pin the tail on the Donkey) the Princess whose crown is the closest to the correct spot is the winner.

*And PRINCESS BELLE'S TEA SET RELAY using two small children's tea sets, two teams race each other to set the tea tray at the finish line relay style. Each princess takes a piece of the tea set to the tray and comes back to "tag" the next girl to take a piece. The first team with a complete set wins.

When the challenge was complete, the Princess got a clue where to look to find the first hidden gemstone, the Ruby (character trait protection). At this point the girls looked around and found the gemstone. I had given each girl a drawstring pouch to carry and collect her gemstones.

Materials needed for challenge 1:
Crown, princess picture, tea sets (2)
Gemstones RED
Clue envelope: Be my guest be my guest put your brains to the test in the kitchen is where you'll find the ruby protection at it's best.   Don't look high, b/c its low be on your way now GO!

Challenge 2

- Quick thinking and a good memory. We played PRINCESS JASMINE'S NOW YOU HAVE IT, NOW YOU DON'T -This game is played by passing out princess cards to each player. There are three wrapped gifts in the center of the circle. When a princess card is called, any player having the matching princess card picks a present. The first player picks from the center (were up to  six presents are grouped). The second player may choose a present from the center or from the first player. Play continues until all the players are out of cards. The three players left holding packages gets to keep them.

 And MAGICAL MUSICAL CARPETS, this is played like musical chairs, but played with carpet squares. The last player with a carpet is the winner.
 When the challenge was completed the Princess got a clue where to look to find the second hidden gemstone, the Sapphire (character trait  wisdom).
Materials needed:
8 wrapped packages of target $ section princess items
Music (princess) and carpet squares (borrow from sherry)
Gemstones (blue)
 Clue 2: Wisdom, wisdom is what you'll get!  Find your wisdom in a place you could get wet....

Challenge 3 to see the unseen.

We played PRINCESS SNOW WHITE'S PASS THE MAGIC GEMSTONE- the girls stand in a circle with cupped hands, one princess secretly passes the gemstone to another princess. Then she returns to her place in the circle, the princess to her left tries to guess who has the gemstone. If she guesses correctly, she takes a turn to pass the gemstone. If the guess is incorrect, the princess who was guessed tries to guess who is holding the gemstone.

 And PRINCESS ARIEL SAYS (a.k.a. Simon says). The last player remaining is the winner. When this challenge was complete the Princess's got a clue where to look to locate the third hidden gemstone, the Amethyst (character trait love and healing).

Materials needed:
*Simon says cards
*clue envelope
*gemstones pink
        Clue 3: Love is true, love is kind, love is in a heart shaped find.  Up you'll go down it's not Issy's room is Hot Hot Hot!

challenge 4 to open your mind. We played PRINCESS CINDERELLA'S WHERE ARE THE SLIPPERS In this game, the princesses pass a wrapped package to music, when the music stops, the Princess holding the package gets to unwrap a layer of the wrapping. The Princess finding the slippers (in two different layers) receive prizes.

And CINDERELLA'S FREEZE DANCE using Disney princess music, the music was played and the girls danced around when the music stops they must freeze in their best princess pose. When this challenge was complete the Princess's got a clue where to look to locate the fourth hidden gemstone, the Emerald (character trait faith and hope).

Materials Needed:
*two medium and small boxes
*Clue envelope
*gemstone green
 Clue 4: Cinderella she could not be late, to the prince she left her hope and faith.  Find a room where a Prince my play an you may find your hope  for today.

challenge 5 to overcome fear.

We played PRINCESS AURORA'S Quest of a True Princess, each little girl had to walk like a princess with a book on her head down the princess walk way, and then curtsy.  Once they all completed the quest the Princess's got the final clue. This clue revealed the location of the hidden favor purses. The treat boxes contained a necklace, earrings, a lip stick
, a kit to make candy necklaces, Disney Princess stickers (Belle, Snow White, Aurora, Ariel, Cinderella) from the roll used on the invitations, and a ring pop. The girls got to keep the plastic gem stones
(found at the dollar store) and the favor boxes.

 Clue 5: Purses, rings, stickers too find your gifts in a royal room.
Materials needed:

*party favor bags/purses?
*ring pops
*lip stick

Make crowns to become a real princess

Presents/cake ice cream!


  1. Ok, now it makes sense... I was wondering why all of the sudden Emily has been walking around the house & up/down steps with a book on her head!

  2. You are a crazy awesome mom! Sounds like the girls had a fabulous time. I'll have to remember some of those games for when Jules gets a little older!
