Sunday Sillys
#1. Tate, " Mom when I get older and have a baby I am going to name him Tre!" Paul says, "Tate you know when you get older to have a baby you have to marry a girl..." Tate says, "HUH!!!! YUCK!" He doesn't quite get it!:)
#2. Watching Scooby Doo Mystery...Addie comes to me crying and says, "Mommy Dooby Dooby doooo gone..."
#3. Ava had a few dirty diapers today...more than the usual and Tate says, "Maybe you shouldn't feed her any more today then we won't have to smell that!" YA I give that a try Tate....:)
#4 Every night when I am tucking in the kids, I say to them, " I love you, be snug as a bug in a rug and don't let the bed bugs bite." And they say it back to's our little night saying...but the best is when Addie say's it back, " wuv you too, nug bug rug don't bed bite bite!" LOVE IT!
Lot's of Love today!
I laughed out loud at Tat'es response to Ava's poopies. TOO CUTE!!!